Monday, May 18, 2015

Meatless Monday: My First Cooking Experience.

I don't know how to cook. That's kind of surprising if you know my family. My dad is a chef and my mom is a lunch lady. FOOD PEOPLE. I am a food person if you count my love of eating food.................... So NOT really a food person. But I decided to give this cooking thing a try.
This past weekend I planned a menu for Monday thru Thursday. I bought all of the stuff ahead of time so I could be prepared each day. Below is the menu for Monday and the recipes and PICTURES (kind of).
This is all the groceries I got for the week.

-Homemade French Fries
-Zucchini Fritters
-Sweet Corn Spoonbread

The first two things on the menu, were recipes my mom had on hand. The sweet corn spoonbread was a recipe I found on Pinterest that I wanted to try out. The link is below.

Sweet Corn Spoonbread:
It was cheap, easy to make, and delicious!
It tastes like a mix between corn bread and cream corn. It was pretty good!

Zucchini Fritters:
It was a recipe my mom came up with. It is healthy and fattening all at the same time. It pretty much balances out.
This is my mom grating the zucchini into small pieces.

This is what it looks like with everything mixed together. Don't ask me what's in it, I'm not sure. My mom kind of took over around this time.

Homemade French Fries:
This was fun and scary to make! It was easy. All I did was clean some potatoes off, cut them into thin, long chunks. Then fry them!

I hate hot grease! It literally scares the socks off of me! But it was fun and it tasted AMAZING!

Meatless Monday = a HUGE success!

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