Wednesday, May 20, 2015

WARNING: Bedhead Ahead!: My first hair tutorial (ignore the bad pictures)

I LOVE LOVE LOVE hair tutorials! So I thought I might give it a try!

 This is what the end result looks like. Pretty cute, uh?

The process to get there was an easy one, but looked INSANE! I'm going to write this in steps (I feel like that will be easier).
1. Get a medium sized piece of fabric and cut it into about 1.5x5 inch strips. Bigger for longer hair. Smaller for short hair. Pretty simple.
2. Section off your hair into 1 inch pieces. 
3. Take your pieces of hair and roll it in the strips and tie it. Does this make sense?
This is what Step 3 looks like! It makes you look like an old rag-doll.

4. Sleep on it! It will stay in through the night. Keeping it in while you sleep will help the curls last.
5. Now wake up in a peaceful zen!!

6. Take out the strips.
I lost about 2 inches of length.

7. Brush it out gently to get some of the length back. And get some of the crazy curls tamed.
That's better! Betterish. It kinda looks like a bad 80s perm.

8. This is the step where you just play around with the curls until they look the way you want them to. I usually just use a curling iron and fix some curls that look a little out-there. The end result looks like this:
Same picture as before. Sorry not sorry.

*If you want, add a cute hairband or hat.
I got this vintage hat at a thrift store this year. I love it! It's totally retro!

I hope you enjoyed this tutorial and I hope you give it a try! Let me know if you have any questions!

Monday, May 18, 2015

Meatless Monday: My First Cooking Experience.

I don't know how to cook. That's kind of surprising if you know my family. My dad is a chef and my mom is a lunch lady. FOOD PEOPLE. I am a food person if you count my love of eating food.................... So NOT really a food person. But I decided to give this cooking thing a try.
This past weekend I planned a menu for Monday thru Thursday. I bought all of the stuff ahead of time so I could be prepared each day. Below is the menu for Monday and the recipes and PICTURES (kind of).
This is all the groceries I got for the week.

-Homemade French Fries
-Zucchini Fritters
-Sweet Corn Spoonbread

The first two things on the menu, were recipes my mom had on hand. The sweet corn spoonbread was a recipe I found on Pinterest that I wanted to try out. The link is below.

Sweet Corn Spoonbread:
It was cheap, easy to make, and delicious!
It tastes like a mix between corn bread and cream corn. It was pretty good!

Zucchini Fritters:
It was a recipe my mom came up with. It is healthy and fattening all at the same time. It pretty much balances out.
This is my mom grating the zucchini into small pieces.

This is what it looks like with everything mixed together. Don't ask me what's in it, I'm not sure. My mom kind of took over around this time.

Homemade French Fries:
This was fun and scary to make! It was easy. All I did was clean some potatoes off, cut them into thin, long chunks. Then fry them!

I hate hot grease! It literally scares the socks off of me! But it was fun and it tasted AMAZING!

Meatless Monday = a HUGE success!

SO SAD: The Beginning

Hello! My name is Sarah. I am home from college for the summer and I am so very bored. When I was getting ready to come from school in Nashville to home in Georgia, I was really hoping for an adventurous summer. One with exciting road-trips, mysteries, romance, and fun! But as a week as already come and gone, and none of those things insight, I realized that if I wanted an adventurous summer, then I was going to have to MAKE it happen. So........that's what this blog is about: my summer. Summer of Sarah Actually Doing! Or for short SO SAD! 

So throughout the summer, I will post pictures and (possibly) videos of my summer of fun! This will probably include cooking, refashions, outfit of the day (if I actually put on real clothes), crafts, workouts (HA!), trips, a few of my favorite things (which are very similar to Julie Andrew's), and family shenanigans. (Picture and video quality will suck. Just FYI).

Be on the look out for my next post! And in the mean time, DO SOMETHING FUN!